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Roles and Privileges

After you have installed the SEAL-specific Keycloak and PLOSSYS 5, the SEAL-specific Keycloak offers predefined realm roles and matching predefined users.

The granted privileges of the roles depend on the SEAL clients that use these roles.

Predefined Roles

The SEAL-specific Keycloak offers the following predefined realm roles:

  • admin
  • custom
  • readonly


For how to add customer-specific realm roles, see Keycloak.

Predefined Test Users

For each of the roles listed above you will find a predefined user for testing purposes:

  • seal-admin
  • seal-custom
  • seal-readonly

The test users are inactive by default. Activate the users, if you want to use them. The password for the test users is test and is identical for all three test users.


For how to add customer-specific users, see Keycloak.

Activating Users

  1. In your Web browser, open the Keycloak user interface: https://localhost:32769

  2. Open the Administration Console

  3. Log on with your user name and password.

  4. In the Manage menu on the left, select Users to open the users list.

    Users list

  5. In the ID column, select the desired user:

  6. In the Details tab switch on User Enabled.

    User enable tab

Preconfigured Privileges for SEAL Clients

In the PLOSSYS REST-API you will find preconfigured privileges for the following SEAL clients and roles:

  • seal-easyprima: admin
  • seal-mobile-print: custom
  • seal-plossysadmin: admin, custom, readonly
  • seal-plossyscli: admin, custom, readonly


For how to change the privileges of the roles, see PLOSSYS 5.